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What are whoops-a-daisy! errors?



"Whoops-a-Daisy" errors occur when your Game and FarmVille 2 server disagree about the current state of a Farm. The disagreement is basically a disconnection between the Game and its server communication; this prevents any progress until the two are in agreement again.

What causes these errors?

"Whoops-a-Daisy" errors are typically caused by:

Internet service errors

Weak internet connection (Dial-up or slow internet connection)

Taking too many actions at the same time on the Game

Two game windows opened on the same or different browsers

Using your phone (if dial-up connection)

When are these errors triggered?

Whenever you take any action in the game, a transaction is created to save that action on the server. If that transaction is not processed by the server, then it creates a disagreement and the "Whoops-a-Daisy" is triggered to prevent you from losing any more progress.

What happens during these errors?

FarmVille 2 will always save all the actions that happened before the error is triggered, meaning that when you reload your Farm some progress might be lost, yet you will be able to re-do all the actions.

Will I lose Bucks/Coins our Items during these errors?

You shouldn't lose any of the above during a "Whoops-a-Daisy", as explained before the game will revert back all actions taken prior to the "Whoops-a-Daisy" showing on your Game.

For instance, let’s say you bought a Baby Ibex for 22 Farm Bucks, if the action is lost because of a "Whoops-a-Daisy" error, then when you log back you will not have the Baby Ibex in your Inventory, but your Farm Bucks will be returned.

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