Let's enjoy hosting Social Activities together! Help Percy organize Social Activities!
Percy’s been elected President of the Young Farmer Association and he’s just thrilled. He’s planning a spring social to get to know all the youth associations better before he gets down to his duties and I’m sure he’ll need a helping hand! Best,Marie.
Release Date: May 21 2019
(Subject To Change)

Water Balloon Barrel Table Bunting Cart Wheel
Spring Social Table Hay Box
Materials for the Next Quest:
Love Letter Pad Care Parcel Restaurant Pass
Frisbee Gloves Water Mister Team Wristbands
Hay Fork Heirloom Hay Fork Balloon Launcher
Balloon Pump Heirloom Balloon Pump Absorbent Towels
Crate of Practice Balls Bucket Basket
Spring Social Cake Novelty Penny
Ask/Post to Friends:
Fine Nozzle Patterned Ribbon Fork Head
Ball Crate Gold Spray Paint
Towel Rack Pastel Icing
Spring Blossom Cart Spring Blossom Fence
Baby Chocolate Ponui Donkey Adult Chocolate Ponui Donkey
Prized Chocolate Ponui Donkey

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